Image is missing (deleted) in phones gallery after upload using Native app, which tested in acceptance server and production server
Wondering why image is missing (deleted) in phone's gallery after been chosen and upload using Native app, it happen when tested in acceptance server and production server. If tested locally (using MakeItNative 8) , it was fine, image still remain in phone’s gallery. It ONLY happen to image that taken by own phone camera, not downloaded photo or photo send from someone else. Here is the scenario, when user take photo using camera, save in phone album. Later, upload to app using choose Photo/Gallery option, the photo will be DELETED from the phone album. Here is the microflow. I’m using NativeMobileResource module from appstore,
Ching Chien Ho
1 answers
We got some good news about this issue today from Mendix Support, they managed to fix the issue. See the response here:
“We are happy to inform you that this issue is fixed and it is fixed in Native Mobile Resources 1.3.0 (MX8) and 3.0.0 (MX9) and the upcoming Make It Native and Native Template releases for MX8 and 9.You will need to upgrade both the Make It Native/Native Template and Native Mobile Resources module, as there is native and JavaScript code involved.