PWA Phone Offline profile not activated in Crash Course Learning path 11.4.3

Hi All,  Just finishing up the Rapid Crash Course. In the very last module it shows how to create a PWA profile with a different default home page when the app is used as an offline phone app AND how to publish the app and look it up on your mobile device. However: -When filling in the URL (with ‘sandbox’ in it) in my iOS browser, I DO NOT get an automatic prompt to add the app to my Home Screen (even though that box is checked). -When I add the app to my Home screen by hand, I do manage to get it working without the browser bar being visible; which would seem to indicate that it is now in PWA Phone Offline mode, but it does not take me to the Default home page for the Phone offline profile. I added a navigation link to the default home page to check out if the PWA features (locate and navigate using native Map app on phone) indeed work; and they do. So WHY does it not go to the default home page (Patient_Overview_Mobile)??   FYI: it might be pertinent: I’m running Studio Pro on an external PC which I’m accessing through a VPN connection with Remote Desktop since I’m working on a Mac from home.    
2 answers

Offline PWAs are not (yet) supported on iOS. See this section of the documentation for more: 


Is there any way to follow when it will become available for ios? 

