Unable build native app on Studio Pro 9.3

I am not able to build a native mobile app for sample Inspection app. Log shows permission error “Error] error listen EACCES: permission denied Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.” Already tried below but same issue. Security changes:  My mobile and laptop are on same network My WIFI connection profile is private Firewall has 8080 and 8083 port enabled. Mendix rules and node.js rules are green and enabled for all profiles.  I’m using windows 10 and Windows updates are latest. Studio pro is reinstall as well.  App is published on cloud but its mobile version still not working. Only web profile is accessible.    Lastly, I even tried installing APK using “Build Native Mobile App” – unfortunately its still asking me to provide “studio pro url”.    Could anybody please help or guide me to right resource. 
3 answers

Hi Ishtiaq,

Try to separate the inbound rules as shown below, Domain, Public, Private :



Hope this helps.




Thanks for the quick reply. I tried but it's still giving the same error. 

I don't think it's a firewall issue because I have tried building without the firewall(by disabling) and still it gave me the same error. 

Is there any alternative that I build the project manually using vs code? or perhaps any way to change the port from 8083 to something else?  React-native runs the command in the below sequence: 


C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node.exe C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\cli.js start --config "D:\Research\BPM\Mendix Training\Crash Course\Inspection App\deployment\native\metro.config.json" --port "8083"

[Error] error listen EACCES: permission denied Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
[Output] Error: listen EACCES: permission denied


I resolved the issue by releasing the port 8083. 


On windows:

  1. First use this command to see if the port is in reserved pool:
    netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp

    if it's reserved, then either it's used by an application like “Power BI Server” or any other Microsoft tool or some custom configuration. 

  2. Alternatively, you can see which application is using the port by using the tool  TCPView  
    • Uninstall the app. 