Not able to retrieve logged in user details

I have a scenario where I should display current user details on Home page when the user login.(For example: If Johnty logs in then he should be able to see his Name on welcome page).  I am not able to get the customer name using the system.user. Please find the below steps followed to create a customer and to get the name of that customer Allowed anonymous user and selected ‘ User ‘ as Anonymous user role. Created a demo user Selected the below Module roles for the created user Created a Microflow to retrieve the customer name and returning it but didn’t work
4 answers

Try to setup your microflow like this: (person would be your customer and don’t forget to pass the customer object at the end)

The first retrieve action:


And second retrieve action:


Let me know if this worked out for you!





With that Microflow you’re not returning the customer name. You’re pulling an object (the first object) of type “Customers” which’s attribute “FirstName” matches the “Name” attribute of the $currentUser.

I’m not quite sure what you want to do but if I got you right your goal was/is to put a greeting for the logged in user on your homepage. In order to do so you could just (for example) use a data view with the Account as a page parameter and the use dynamic text to show the name of that user on your page. E.g.:


I’m not quite sure what you want to do but if I got you right your goal was/is to put a greeting for the logged in user on your homepage. – Yes, I need to display the logged in user name on home page like 

Could it be possible to get the first name of customer using microflow? If yes, could you please provide me the xpath constraint 




Please find the below attributes list of my $currentuser. Please let me know if you need more information

