Pause nanoflow to wait for pop-up (native)

Hi all, On a change event of a dropdownlist I want to check the new value and show a (modal) pop-up so that the user can confirm their choice.  So in the nanoflow (native app) I open a new page and want to wait for the result. However, once the pop-up is shown, the nanoflow continues. The page has layout NativePhone_PopOver (Atlas_Core) and layout type pop-up. How can I wait for the answer given by the user in the pop-up and then continue the nanoflow? Is this possible? Thanks! KR, Mark
3 answers

In my opinion you will have to create two nanoflow, first one where you will display the popup, and the second one will be launch after the result given by the user


Hi Mark, there's a ShowConfirmation JS action which you can use in a nanoflow which does exactly what you describe. 

Download the NanoflowCommons module from the appstore for this one.


Hi all,

Thanks for all your suggestions. I have created 2 nanoflows which do the trick. 
