How to change sdk version in native app

Hi, I am working on a mendix native app. I clone the repo from github,  this repo is generated by mendix studio pro. when open the project in android studio, the build log show, sdk download fail.  Message: An error occurred while preparing SDK package Android SDK Platform 25: archive is not a ZIP archive.: I try to download sdk25 with SDK manager, it also fail.     I have SDK 26 in my computer. Where can i make this change?  I check the build.gradle, didn’t find out any clue about SDK 25.   build.gradle: ext { buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3" minSdkVersion = 21 compileSdkVersion = 29 targetSdkVersion = 29 kotlinVersion = "1.3.50" excludeAppGlideModule = true playServicesVersion = "16.1.0" } Changed all sdk version to 28 to rebuild,  but log shows gradle still to download SDK 25.  
1 answers

Hi Haiji Du,

You need to change the minSDK version in build.gradle inside your git repository.

The git repository will be created in the account from which you provide github token while creating a build.

I was able to do this recently successfully.


Sharad R K
