How to Use Facebook Integration For Login in Mobile Native Application?

Hello, Actually I am making an application for the first time but I am stuck in one step i.e., Facebook Login Integration.  I want end user to login through a facebook. I need some help for this Facebook Login step. Please suggest me some steps to follow.   Thanks
2 answers

Use the OpenID Connect (OIDC) module from the Marketplace. It’s a generic implementation of OIDC, which will work for Facebook login. Follow the installation and configuration instructions in the module.

You’ll need to register a web app in the Facebook developer portal, which will give you the client ID and secret that you need. Then facebook discovery endpoint (aka well-known config) is: 

Next week the Mendix marketing team will be releasing a blog post about setting up “Sign in with Google” which is a very similar process. Look out for that!


Hi Sayed,

Please go through open authenticator  model which available on marketplace and go through the documentation




