Unable to SignUp in mendix Native

hi all, I am Building Native applications in mendix. I am unable to create Signup in Native as i tried watching some stuff in Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luppbN7iyNE but still there is no use. It is prompting that the registration is success but unable to login with those credentials. can anyone suggest me how to resolve this 
2 answers

Did you:

  • Check to see if the user exists when you look at the Account_Overview page when logged in as an administrator from the Web side?
  • Make sure to set the user with a user role?


If you’re confident in these two things, then please share some screenshots and logs on what happens when a newly registered user tried to log in.


Hi Umamahewara,

please be sure to use your sub microflow in the nanoflow, inside the sub microflow retrieve the user role you want to create an account as, create an object of type account and the most important thing to remember is to add object of type UserRole (association) and put the retrieved the user role you got in it, this will work for sure
