Single Sign On in Native issue

Hi all, I'm having some trouble implementing SSO in Native with the OpenIDConnect module, specifically with the InAppBrowser option (desktop, external option, and webview works fine) I've configured Azure with the correct callbacks. I've configured the Identity provider through the well-known URL option. Everything else in our app is pretty straightforward. When debugging the GetAuthorizationURL I get all the right info, but then after passing it to JS_OpenAuthURL it gives this error: Exception ‘The provided scheme is not valid. A scheme should not include special characters such as “:” or “/”.’ was thrown while invoking openAuth on target RNInAppBrowser with params (...) MakeItNative 8 on iOS:   I couldn't find any pointers on the web. Any clues here on how to solve this issue?  
1 answers

I just found this issue yesterday actually. It’s caused by this:

So this an issue only in iOS14 and fixed in react-native-inappbrowser-reborn@3.6.0

At the moment MakeItNative9 and the OIDC module both use an earlier version. I’ll update the native dependency in the OIDC module to reflect this in the coming days. And I’ll ask the mobile team to release an updated Make It native app.In the meantime, you can:

  • change the version number at <yourproject>\javascriptsource\oidc\actions\JS_OpenAuthURL.json (3.6.3 is the latest)
  • build a new native app for development or distribution (it won’t work with Make it Native)