Splash Screen Loader | Native app |

Hi Forum, I am working on a mendix native app. During the time of initial installation of the native app it took several minutes and stays on the splash screen before loading the app. Is there any option to show the progress bar on the initial mendix native app load?  I have provided the Splash screen logo in the native builder app, Is there any possibility to display a small message on the bottom of each to inform the user which step is being performed or to showcase the progress loader? Regards, Julian   
2 answers

Hey Julian,

maybe the following widget will help you: it allows you to add notifications to a screen


maybe by activating these messages during the startup and refreshing them into the screen you can help your user.

another option is:

Checklist design

  • have a list of steps that will be run in the center of the screen
  • change an icon in front of the step when the status changes
    • check for done
    • clock for progressing
    • nothing for upcoming
  • by constantly updating the list and its statusses you can convey the progress with text :)

if the list in whole is not what you want, you can always only show the current step and update that.


Apart from the original request: double check your native synchronization settings in the native navigation profile and your entity access. Maybe the app is syncing way more data than you expect!
