Adding Mendix Native to existing Mendix Web application

We are having a Mendix web application already built. Now we have a requirement to create a Mendix Native application with for the same web application. When I was going through the documentations for Mendix Native it is mentioning to start with a Mendix Native template to get all the required modules and structure of the application. What would be the ideal way to add Mendix Native to existing Mendix web application?
2 answers

Hi Nidhin,

you can choose a native navigation profile from available profiles. you can add pages regarding that profile to show data on a device. 

You can refer to the Advance level topic from the learning path which is, "Build a Native Mobile Inspection App".

Hope this will help you.'

Thank you.



Make sure your app has available native layouts in de UI resource module, for instance Atlas Native Content for page building. Import the latest version of NanoflowCommons and NativeMobileResources. Then like Uddhav says add the native profile and start adding pages.

Check if you have the correct MiN app, v8 or v9. 

Ps: Make sure your app is not running on port 8083 locally, as that's where Metro bundler is running. 
