Error: associations with owner both cannot be changed on pages that are accessible through a native profile

I have a native mobile app and I’d like to hang something like a settings entity off of the account object. It makes sense that each one account would only have a single settings row, so that’s how I set it up in the domain modeler 1:1 association. When I do this I get the error: associations with owner both cannot be changed on pages that are accessible through a native profile. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong, but this seems like a weird error. Thanks for any help Andy  
1 answers

Hey Andy,

This is a common issue native developers might find – this is because of limitations due to the nature of syncing in offline-first native apps. 

A common pattern to get tound this is –

You could create an NP entity as a helper/placeholder to store your settings info as the user changes it in the settings page. Then, on save/submit, simply take the attributes from the helper and copy them over to the actual persistable entity downstream, such as in a sub microflow. 


Another way around this is to add another type of helper entity, in between the 1-1 objects so that it becomes *-1 and *-1 on both sides of the middle object. 


Note: A direct way to allow that kind of relationship is in the roadmap and is planned as a change sometime in the near future
