Native Mobile - Search and display result on the same page

Hello All, I am very new to Mendix and doing a Mendix native mobile application. I wanted to do a simple screen where I have an input text field, a button to search. After entering some text in the input field and hitting on search, I want to see the result on the same screen as a list. How can I achieve this? PFB the sample screen  
2 answers

I have written a blog about this topic. Check it out to give you an idea.


You need to create a SearchHelper Entity and place a dataview on the page.  The SearchHelper has an attribute called SearchString.  The search button updates the SearchHelper.  Place the results Listview inside the dataview so that when the SearchHelper is changed the Listview refreshes. The Listview has a datasource nanoflow that finds all results matching the SearchString. 
