Synchronize Unsynchronized Objects not working on objects with an offline id?

Hi, I’ve just submitted a ticket with Mendix about this. Just want to share that I think this is not working – would love to hear that I’m wrong, though, because I would really want this synchronization option to work. The problem is this: If I create an object on a mobile device, the object gets an offline object id. These are easily recognizable and different from the ids the server objects get. As long as the device knows the object by it’s offline id, synchronizing this object with the unsynced mode is not working – the other modes do work, by the way. As soon as the object’s offline id on the device gets replaced with it’s server id, the unsynced mode is working fine.   I’ve seen the same behaviour in 9.6.1 and 9.7.0. I’ve created a small application, if anybody is interested to check what is wrong, feel free to ask! === Update === Mendix confirmed this is a bug indeed and R&D is working on a solution. The advise is to use the Full Synchronization instead.
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