Native Mobile supports multiple languages

Hello All, We are having a mobile app which is having English and Spanish as languages. We have added all the required transtations, a dropdown to switch between languages, on changing language, we will update logged in user’s language and regresh the app using a JS activity contains mx.reload(); This all are working working as expected in Development environment. Which is Mendix Studio Pro v9.5.0 and Make it Native 9 app. But once we build the app as apk/ipa file which connect to the Dev/QA environments in Azure, the app is not getting translated after reloading. We can see the is updated in DB and also in the mobile dropdown. But translation alone not happening. It is always staying in English, Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in Advance  ===Update – 07/Jan/2022 === Just to add some more insight to the application, We are using OIDC for login to the application. When we are changing the language it is not reflecting, but if I sign out and sign in, selected language is appearing.    
2 answers

Check out the solution in this post and see if it works for you: 


I could find the solution from below question.

I had to remove the session using a JS action

