Hi guys, I am trying to perform an OTA to an existing app but the build keeps failing. So I tried to build a completely new version for the app. The build also keeps failing for this so I did some digging. I noticed that the appcenter android and ios app identifier is always pointing to the same project regardless of whether it is for the Production App or Acceptance App. Will this overwrite anything? I’ve made sure that the GitHub repositories are pointing to the right ones for the different environments but for the identifier I can’t change it. Previously when using CLI it would ask for a name and it would be created separately on App Center. This doesn’t see to be the case now. The logs when the build fails also don’t really provide me much. Anyway, the main issue here is that Builds always fail for this particular branch. Other branches seem to work just fine with OTA and new builds. Any ideas on what could be the possible causes for build failures? Any help would be much appreciated. We are using Mendix 8.18.8 with Native Template 5.1.17 and Native Builder GUI v1.0.111. Below is the native packager logs for android : C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node.exe "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\cli.js" bundle --config "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\metro.config.json" --dev "false" --entry-file "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\index.js" --platform "android" --bundle-output "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\bundle\android\assets\index.android.bundle" --assets-dest "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\bundle\android\res" warn Failed to chmod xsel: EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod 'C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node_modules\react-native\node_modules\@react-native-community\cli\build\commands\server\external\xsel' Loading dependency graph, done. info Writing bundle output to:, C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\bundle\android\assets\index.android.bundle info Done writing bundle output info Copying 100 asset files info Done copying assets Below is the native packager logs for ios : C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node.exe "C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node_modules\react-native\local-cli\cli.js" bundle --config "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\metro.config.json" --dev "false" --entry-file "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\index.js" --platform "ios" --bundle-output "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\bundle\iOS\index.ios.bundle" --assets-dest "C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\bundle\iOS" warn Failed to chmod xsel: EPERM: operation not permitted, chmod 'C:\Program Files\Mendix\\modeler\tools\node\node_modules\react-native\node_modules\@react-native-community\cli\build\commands\server\external\xsel' Loading dependency graph, done. info Writing bundle output to:, C:\Users\KevinSoh\Documents\Mendix\[HIDDEN]\deployment\native\bundle\iOS\index.ios.bundle info Done writing bundle output info Copying 98 asset files info Done copying assets Thank you so much! Best Regards Kevin
Jun Xu Soh
1 answers
Hi Kevin,
Not sure if this has anything to do with the error you’re seeing, but for the second part of your question: In Appcenter it's possible to have several apps, for instance for ACCP and PROD like you mention. The app that is targeted for the build is the one that's shown in your screenshot. Your build will be based on this app's master branch. You can however change this setting per NativeBuilder configuration. All configurations are saved in a JSON file called “.config” found in the NativeMobile folder of your project. There you can change the targeted Appcenter app per configuration by providing the desired Appcenter app name in the “appcenter” key like this: (where “App-iOS” is your Appcenter appname).