Native Top Bar Style

On a Native App, for an iOS device, is there a way to change the background colours of the Status Bar and the Top Bar independently of each other? No matter what I do, changing the background colour of the Status Bar does nothing and changing the colour of the TopBar affects both the top bar and the status bar. Here’s the code snippet from custom_variables: export const navigation = { statusBar: { backgroundColor: background.primary, barStyle: custom.darkMode ? "light-content" : "dark-content" }, topBar: { backgroundColor: brand.primary, backButtonColor: "#FFF", titleColor: "#FFF", titleFontSize: font.sizeH6 To reiterate, doing the following change (status bar → background color) does not result in any changes: export const navigation = { statusBar: { backgroundColor: "#FF0000", barStyle: custom.darkMode ? "light-content" : "dark-content" }, topBar: { backgroundColor: brand.primary, backButtonColor: "#FFF", titleColor: "#FFF", titleFontSize: font.sizeH6   Thanks, Cris
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