As I have asked in previous questions, but still have not received a working solution, I will ask the question with more data this time. So I have an app, by clicking on buttons(which are choices) lead to other pages(imagine ordering on a McDonald’s machine, at the end the machine displays all of your choices. This is what I would like to do here, display all of the user’s choices. However I have four entities, one parent and three child entities. All three child entities are associations of the parent entity(1-1). I have my home page where all of the choices should be saved into my datagrid2 which is of my parent entity, which contains only 3 variables. Since it is a datagrid2, the data would be in rows and I created a microflow that onclick would open a popup page named Details which would contain all the data from all 4 entities. I have a microflow set on the datagrid2 which is like this: The first object is my main entity, the 3 others are child entities, as mentioned before all connected in the domain model by associations. The last rectangle here is a show page action which shows the popup- Now, I have tried displaying data in this page in two ways: Using the main entity as my data view and inside it I placed the 3 others. The problem with this is none of the data is being saved and it’s not editable, all greyed out except the main entity. Using the main entity as my data view and inside it I placed the 3 others as list views. This displays the data but does not differentiate between rows, just throws it all together(old examples, where I tested the app by inserting words) even after deleting them, they’re still there :(. If anyone has any ideas how to solve this, I would greatly appreciate it.
Gal Verlič
1 answers
Hi Gal,
You need to associate the new objects to the parent objects upon creation. Assuming ‘Zastoj’ is your parent object, in the ‘Create PlaninanNeplaniranZastoj’ action, you have to add a new entry where you associate the child to the parent ‘Zastoj’ object.
For instance, here's an example where I associate a ‘UserRole’ to a new ‘Account’ object. In your case, you would associate ‘PlaninanNeplaniranZastoj’ to ‘Zastoj’