Mendix Native App vs React Native App

Hello Expert,   We are planning to develop one teleco app like Airtel, Vodaphone app in Mendix which is already developed using react Native library. We are not very sure about the limitation of Mendix Native App. Can somebody help me to understand how it would be easy or difficult to build such app using Mendix Native. What are the pros and cons. any pointers would help to proceed.  Thanks, Amol  
2 answers

Mendix Native App is a React Native mobile app development platform that lets you create apps. This gives you the best of both worlds, as React Native provides rich user interfaces and fast performance while Mendix offers scalability and ease of use. Additionally, Mendix supports various programming languages including Java, JavaScript, Python3+, GoLang, C++/CLI,.NET Core 2.0+, Swift 4+.


Thanks! Its so helpful 
