Build Native app: ReactNativeFirebase WARNING: NPM package @react-native-firebase/messaging depends on @react-native-firebase/app v10.5.0 but found v10.1.0, this might cause build issues or runtime crashes

Mx 9.6.9 Hi, today, our apk builds in the Build Native app started failing with this error: ReactNativeFirebase WARNING: NPM package '@react-native-firebase/messaging' depends on '@react-native-firebase/app' v10.5.0 but found v10.1.0, this might cause build issues or runtime crashes Would anyone have an idea what we could do about it?
1 answers

Hi Toon,
I’m hoping it is the dependency conflicts with react and react-native-firebase that get resolved using the “ --legacy-peer-deps”  flag is the way to work around this. This is the set of commands I run when building: 
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npm i @react-native-firebase/app@10.8.1 --legacy-peer-deps  
npm i @react-native-firebase/messaging@10.8.1 --legacy-peer-deps

