Installing dependency crashes Native app and prevents Build in the cloud

Hi guys,   I am working on an app for which the end goal is to track users location in the background. I tried installing the following modules: - @react-native-community/geolocation - @mauron85/react-native-background-geolocation But both packages crashed the app. Recognizing that this may be an advanced action, I tried to use the manual  but the same two problems occur here. The app crashes when I run it in the Make It Native app upon loading the app. I cannot run the ‘Build in the cloud’ command after executing step ‘3.3.3 Using the Modules’.    Can you help me out with this? P.s. I believe can be updated, since Mendix 9.11.1 provides the ‘App capabilities’ page in the ‘Build Native App v.1.0.114’ . With this functionality, is it still required to give the permissions manually in the code and in XCode?
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