Native deeplinking

Hi All We have 2 applications that need to interact with each other. 1 responsive app that needs to trigger a deeplink, 1 native app that receives a paramater from that deeplink. We currently succeeded in opening the deeplink URL on responsive side so that the native app launches and stores the param in local storage. We then login and retrieve the param from local storage. However when we leave the app open and trigger another deeplink with a new param, there seems te be an issue. We have an app event on the homepage with an on resume event where we linked a register deeplink nanoflow. This action triggers a show message with the param of the URL.    The problem is that when we switch between the url’s sometimes the wrong param is shown. It seems like for some reason the previous deeplink still triggers the same nanoflow. After clicking multiple times on the deeplink url I need to close multiple show message windows.  Also the 1st time you click on the deeplink the native app does not receive the parm. You need to click twice on it first. After that it works OK. Are we doing something wrong?   Kind regards
8 answers

The first thing that stands out to me is the use of the “on resume” event to register the deeplink handler. You should register the deeplink handler only once using an “on load” event, because each time it runs it registers itself to listen for deep links.


Nobody? I already made a ticket for Mendix in the meanwhile


I am having a similar issue.  I am currently testing the deeplink behaviour by opening an app which is running in the Make It Native app launcher.  I have created a second app to allow me to enter a url manually and open it.  If I open my target app first and then deeplink to it while it is still open, via an open url action, it seems to reload the app (losing the existing session).  It then opens the page determined by the deeplink but opens the home page on top of it.  If I close that page the linked page is below it in the stack.  If I now close the app and reopen it from the make it native app, it opens the deeplink page again with the homepage on top. 


Hi Eric

Thank you for the swift reply.

Currently we have a login page in meandix with an on load event that registers the deeplink. This on load is however triggered before loggin in. So I guess after loggin in there will be no check for new deeplinks? I tried to remove the on resume event handler and if I do so I do not get the param of the deeplink anymore. 

Should I, for my case, then have 2 deeplink register actions? 1 On the on load for the login page, and 1 for the on load of the home page?


Thanks Eric for the above reply. I changed the on resume event with an on load event and registered the deeplink there. Now it seems to work fine.


Perhaps 1 small issue left. We need the register deeplink activity on the login page because of native SSO login and redirect. However when I now open a deeplink URL and my native is not started yet, it will open the app and after login in it will still have the param. But the moment I log out, the deeplink is registered again. Is there a way to delete this URL param?




How can we cleanup the deeplink in native?


Another bump. Anybody
