Publishing Native Mobile App on Play Store

Is publishing Native mobile app on play store, developed on mendix still possible?
2 answers

Hi Venkatesh,

Yes, it is possible, but mendix has deprecated the Hybrid app instead of that you can use PWA.


Yes this is possible – you'll need a Google Console account and follow the same steps as with other platforms to get an app submitted for approval. You can then build the native mobile app using the native builder, and distribute it to the play store either manually by uploading the apk, or through an automated service such as App Center.

To get to the Native builder, go to App at the top menu of Studio pro, then Build Native Mobile App. 

For manual uploads, you can see where the output of the builds go. 

If using App Center or other means of distribution: In the Native builder, you can see options to connect to these services to access your native code repository (github for example) and app center using API keys.


