Run on mobile

Hello there, How can I run My App on IOS mobile I mean the App in the Rapid Developer Learning Path I followed the steps but still can not open it in my phone
3 answers

Please check the below link to download the ‘Make it Native’ app to run the Mendix app on your mobile device


Scan the QR Code from the Make It Native app.

  • click on View App and select View on your device option from the Mendix modeler

  • Navigate to the View Native Mobile App and Scan the QR code from your Make It Native App to run the app on your mobile

  • Make sure your laptop and mobile are connected to the same internet. If it is not connected, it will not work!


Hope this helps!


Hi Loai Abu Khil,

There is an easy way on Studio Pro; You can select the option 'view on your device' on the top right corner. Then read the QR code through your phone. It is there!
Please see the screenshot. I hope it helps..



Hi Loai,

Download Mendix devloper app from App store. Attached screenshot below.

And run your mendix application, Scan the QR code from your application via your mobile and you can able to view the application in mobile.
