How to create fingerprint for binding native app?

Hi Experts,   I have planned to create the native application with google api and services, so while creating the apps in gcp(Google cloud platform) it is asking for finger prints. I tired this command(keytool -keystore path-to-debug-or-production-keystore -list -v) How to get my application finger print and keystore value?   Thanks in advance. 
1 answers

Hi Neil,

You can generate the key by using the following command

keytool.exe -genkey -v -keystore file.keystore -alias nativeapp -storepass pass@123 -keypass pass@123 -keyalg RSA -validity 365000


then , use this below command to get the fingerprint 

keytool -list -v  -keystore file.keystore -alias nativeapp -storepass pass@123 -keypass pass@123

Note: Execute this command in java /jdk/bin folder


I hope it helps.
