[Native Mobile] Possible to build 2 separate Native Mobile Apps in 1 Mendix Project?

Hi experts! Is it possible to build 2 separate Native Mobile Apps in 1 Mendix Project? For example, you have an app for Customers and another for Merchants and they both need to show different pages but they are essentially the same Mendix project.   I know this was possible back when we had both the Customer and Merchant apps built in Hybrid and there was a tag that we could modify to differentiate between the two but never gave it much thought now that the Customer app has been converted to Native. The Merchant app is still not converted.   I could make the Merchant app a PWA but from what I know there are some limitations got iOS :   In short, I’m not sure what the best approach is to convert the Merchant app without having to get another subscription license.   Appreciate any guidance that come my way.   Thank you!   Best Regards Kevin
3 answers

This can be configured from navigation and security.

so essentially you can show different pages to different roles based on navigation/Homepage and security settings.You can make it look like they are different apps for different users.

To answer ur question Its not possible to build two differnt apps here in one code base and build

but if you want to really do it you can first create one app make changes for second role and they rebuild again that would be overkill.


Its purely Security related , you can have both functionalities in one App .
Navigations added should be restricted with proper user roles 


Actually as most of the above comment suggested ,  I think you do not need two apps , You can create a single app and based on your navigation configuration and security added  the users will see what is accessible for them.
