Push Notifications not working on Android 12

Hi,   We are building a native application with push notifications. We have implemented all modules as described in the Mendix Docs and set up a Firebase project correctly. We have created an APK for Android and tested this on a Bluestacks emulator, everything works fine and we can receive push notifications. If we install the APK on a phone (Android 11), we receive the push notifications. If we install the same APK on another phone (Android 12), we don’t receive any push notifications.   But on the administrator pages we can see that the device is registered and the message status=’Delivered’.   Does anyone have any idea why this isn’t working on Android 12?    
2 answers


This seems to work:


To resolve the issue, there are some steps that need to be taken. The Studio Pro project should be migrated to Studio Pro 9.18.0+, the Native Mobile Resources module should be updated to version 3.13.0 and the Native Template should be updated to 6.3.3 in order to make it work.


Furthermore, if you already have a project in AppCenter, you also need to manually make the following change:

  1. Open your project in AppCenter and go to "Build" menu item
  2. For all branches, click on the wrench icon
  3. In "Environment Variable", add the following Name and Value (If this option is not enabled, please enable it): 
    1. Name: JAVA_HOME 
    2. Value: $(JAVA_HOME_11_X64)



It seems that the React Native Template must be corrected to support Android 12.

Indeed, if you try on older Android versions, it works.


See my answer in this post:



In addition, worth comment that there’s a PR about this issue on github:



I have a SR opened about this issue as well. They are investigating... 


Let’s wait this PR be accepted!


