Using offline nanoflow retrieves in online app

Hi there,   For a project we have a created an PWA application which is suited for online use. However, we need some pages and actions to work in offline modus. Before navigating to those pages, I use the microflow action Synchronize To Device action to download the needed MainPipe objects to Local Storage. When I try to use the page offline, I keep on receiving an error:   Error: An error occurred while executing an action of Project.Zone_View.actionButton3: Failed to fetch Nanoflow stack:  "Retrieve $Zone/Project.MainPipe_Zone" in nanoflow "Project.TEST_NF"   From this I can see that in my nanoflow the retrieve from Zone to MainPipe does not work, though I have synchronized these objects.    As alternative I have used the nanoflow action Synchronize Everything to download the needed MainPipe objects to local storage. This also does not give the desired effect.  
1 answers


You can check if the app is online or not and then do your actions.

We have a javascript action isConnected in Native, I haven’t tried this action in PWA. You can give it a try (You can always build your own Java Script actions)
