Cannot build a IOS mobile app

Hi!   So for the last week i have been trying to create a IOS version of our mobile app, we already have the Android version in use.  But there is this one problem i cannot seem to solve since i don’t know what it exactly means and i cant find anything on the internet about it. So when i’m building my app everything seems to install correctly but then at the end this error pops up:    **ERROR** Failed to apply patch for package @react-native-firebase/messaging at path   and this is the description that comes with it:   node_modules/@react-native-firebase/messaging This error was caused because @react-native-firebase/messaging has changed since you made the patch file for it. This introduced conflicts with your patch, just like a merge conflict in Git when separate incompatible changes are made to the same piece of code. Maybe this means your patch file is no longer necessary, in which case hooray! Just delete it! Otherwise, you need to generate a new patch file. To generate a new one, just repeat the steps you made to generate the first one. i.e. manually make the appropriate file changes, then run patch-package @react-native-firebase/messaging Info: Patch file: patches/@react-native-firebase+messaging+15.7.0.patch Patch was made for version: 15.7.0 Installed version: 10.5.1 --- patch-package finished with 1 error(s). After that the code just continues with downloading the last 2 packages and finishes, but because of the 1 failed package, the build fails all of the rest of the code too.   has anyone see this problem before?   Thanks in advance!
1 answers



I had that once while building locally. Either you have an old patch file or your package lock file brings in an older release. I solved it by deleting node_modules and the pods folder / lock file and taking a fresh package lock file from the native template GitHub repo.

Then running npm install and pod install again.

However, if you build using AppCenter you should always have a fresh copy to start with.

You could reset the build to use the latest template using the Native Builder UI. Please note that any customizations outside Native Builder UI will be reset too, you could grab these from the GitHub repo or copy the build folder before resetting it and bringing back custom stuff from there.
