Good day, We are currently getting the following error when attempting to send notifications to iOS native apps: 401: Unauthorized at PushNotifications.SendFCMMessage (CallRest : 'Call REST (POST)') at PushNotifications.SendFCMMessages.nested.0b095250-c85a-460e-8da1-a83ce312e0ee [2 of 3] (SubMicroflow : 'SendFCMMessage') at PushNotifications.SendFCMMessages ( : '') at PushNotifications.SendMessages (SubMicroflow : 'SendFCMMessages') We are using the Push Notifications Connector (version 5.3.1) maintained by Mendix - In the later versions of the module it is stated " fixed a bug where iPad devices did not register properly". Does this issue extend to all native iOS applications? If not what are the possible causes of this issue?
Brent Eichstadt
2 answers
In some rare cases device id’s become invalid (handles by the OS). In the newer module it will register again your device (older version only does this once). This prevents the 40x errors when the REST call is done
Pim van der Noll
What’s in the content of the 401 response that you get? a 401 likely means that the call to FCM is using an old token or otherwise unauthorized.