Build Native App v.1.0.128/StudioPro 9.24 error - getting dependencies from mx utils failed

Hi, After upgrading the build native app template I'm getting an error message when building a native app. The native app is running locally through Make It Native 9 without any issues.   Only after a few seconds when building the packages with the Build Native App v.1.0.128 template I get this error: Mendix Project Build failed Getting the dependencies from mx utils failed Project contains one or more invalid or missing widget packages: com.mendix.widget.native.appevents.AppEvents com.mendix.widget.native.safeareaview.SafeAreaView ….   These widgets are in the widgets directory. Also in deployment→ native→ widgets directory. Tried so far: - clean development folder (multiple times) - check widgets - update widgets - delete app localy and pull from teamserver - delete Native Mobile Resources module (which contains these widgets), deleted widgets in widget directory, dowloaded Native Mobile Resources module again   Was hoping this was because of App center was offline at the time, but unfortunately still not working now. Same error for “Build app for local development” and “Build app for distribution”.   Anybody experience with this error? It feels like a simple solution for this error, but so far no success. As it states the widgets are missing, but they're not and locally building the native app works fine.  If anybody knows a solution I'm glad to hear it, thanks!        
2 answers

Update: seems to be a conflict with the new Native Mobile Resources module V4.0.0. Will make a ticket at support for this.



You can also try to move your project to the same unit drive in which your Studio Pro 9.24 is installed. For example:


Studio Pro 9.24:

Your Mendix Project:


According to the Mendix support, this will prevent an error associated with the IOS bundle generation, that was the error identified in my case.


Good luck! 
