Upgrading version from 9.6.15 to 9.24.4

We have developed one mobile app in Mendix 9.6.15 and after upgrade of application to version 9.24.4, “make it native9” is not working. Please provide support to this.
1 answers

Hello Tanu,


The latest version of Make it Native 9 available in the Play Store is only compatible with Mx9.24+. 

If you have an older version of MiN 9, you should upgrade to the latest version.

The opposite is true: if you have the newest MiN9 installed in your device, you must downgrade MiN9 to the compatible version if your project is < 9.24:


The docs used to have a link to the older version:


but unfortunately it’s not working anymore.



Finally, the best option is to build a custom developer launcher for your project and not use MiN anymore:


You'll need a similar procedure to generate the AAB to publish to stores, so it's worth learning how to do that anyway.




