Updates for native app regarding google API 33

We've received a warning that we must upgrade our native app to access the latest google API: 1 of your apps is affected by Google Play's target API level requirements We've detected that 1 of your apps is targeting an old version of Android. To provide users with a safe and secure experience, Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements before 31 Aug 2023.   There's an article from 2021 which describes the steps required to update the API version: https://www.mendix.com/blog/update-needed-for-android-native-mobile-apps/ . We had this issue last year in September, when we were first testing our app. Now we're live and encountering an issue – we need to upgrade our native mobile resources module, but must have Mendix 10 to do so. As there is not yet an LTS version, we are working against company practices to upgrade at this time. So the solution in the article isn't an option for us.   Luckily, last year we got this response from Mendix when we made contact: "The mobile team is working on a fix for the new API version and will release a new version of the native template soon., In the meantime, you can try to manually update to SDK 31 as described (from 29 to 30) in the referenced blog. You likely have to change some of the permissions but Android Studio is pretty good to guide you through those changes (so I would personally recommend doing this locally and not using AppCenter)."   I think if Mendix has no plans to upgrade the native template, then we will manually upgrade as we did last year.   My question is – is anyone else encountering this issue? And has Mendix officially released information about how to handle this?     Update: we've tried a few different things to fix this but not had any success yet: changing the API in github by hand (we've had success with this previously) adding an environment variable (this advice was from a few years ago, so it's very much outdated) upgrading to 9.24.5 upgrading to 9.24.6   We made a support ticket and got a response which makes me hopeful we'll be able to release and get approval from the app stores on time: Hi Belle,   Thank you for contacting Mendix support! I'm sorry for the inconvenience this newer Android API requirement is having on your deployment timeline.  At this time we do have an internal ticket marked at the highest priority for the responsible RnD team. There is no estimated release date, however I will ask the team if there is any workaround possible similar to the blog post. Currently there is no official page for you to utilize, except for updates from this ticket. You can continue to use the github link from the forum post as this is the associated ticket.    Please let me know if you have any additional questions in the meantime. I will be placing this ticket on-hold while we wait for an update from my internal team. Best Regards, Jason Gens Mendix Support Engineer     Update from Mendix: Hi Belle,   Thank you for your patience while my internal team worked on the upgrade to Native Template API 33. At this time Native Template 7.0.5 has been released. Please let me know if, after utilizing the latest version, if the issue is resolved. Best Regards, Jason Gens Mendix Support Engineer   Developer note: I've built a new AAB successfully and it's now pending acceptance in the google playstore. Once this has been accepted I'll close this question.
4 answers

I saw another template update is underway. It updates the required API levels in the build.





same here as well! i'd like to know if Mendix will release a new nativeTemplate for 6.3


Belle – Did you have any luck with the latest Native Template? We are trying to build an Android app in 9.24.6 using the latest Native Template 7.0.8. The SDK shows as 33 in GooglePlay, but the API is showing up at 21 and Google is rejecting the submission. Wondering if you found a work around. Thanks!






It will work for the Google Meet also..?
