Failed: Build for distribution (Native App)

Hi Team ,  I am trying to build mendix native app for distribution By providing github token, appcenter token, signing certificates, Configuring logos etc Last time it is working but now from since yesterday it is not working Mendix Studio Version: 9.24.2 Build Native App Version: 1.0.128 Logs: 2023-08-22T07:54:23.468Z: (info) [mxbuild] 'Running mxbuild...' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.714Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '   __  __      ____        _ _     _ ' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '  |  \\/  |    |  _ \\      (_) |   | |' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '  | \\  / |_  _| |_) |_   _ _| | __| |' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '  | |\\/| \\ \\/ /  _ <| | | | | |/ _` |' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '  | |  | |>  <| |_) | |_| | | | (_| |' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '  |_|  |_/_/\\_\\____/ \\__,_|_|_|\\__,_|' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.715Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.851Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '   v9.24.2.6130' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.851Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:23.851Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:26.143Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] 'Starting build for Mendix Project file: C:\\Users\\Lenovo\\Documents\\Mendix\\qDataOps-FOR_PUBLISH\\qDataOps.mpr' 2023-08-22T07:54:26.143Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:26.144Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] 'Using the following options:' 2023-08-22T07:54:26.144Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Build target: Deploy' 2023-08-22T07:54:26.144Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] 'Reading project file...' 2023-08-22T07:54:26.144Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:30.558Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] 'Building project...' 2023-08-22T07:54:30.558Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:30.577Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Synchronize with file system'" 2023-08-22T07:54:30.578Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Synchronizing with file system...' 2023-08-22T07:54:30.578Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:32.041Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Initialize'" 2023-08-22T07:54:32.041Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:32.056Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Preparing deployment...' 2023-08-22T07:54:32.056Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:32.128Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Check prerequisites'" 2023-08-22T07:54:32.128Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Checking for errors...' 2023-08-22T07:54:32.129Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:36.991Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Perform model transformations'" 2023-08-22T07:54:36.991Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:36.997Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Applying model transformations...' 2023-08-22T07:54:36.997Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:37.006Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Generate deployment files'" 2023-08-22T07:54:37.006Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:37.008Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Writing files...' 2023-08-22T07:54:37.008Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:54.170Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Prepare deployment'" 2023-08-22T07:54:54.170Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:54.172Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Generating styles for icons' 2023-08-22T07:54:54.172Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:54.175Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Cleaning web deployment directory...' 2023-08-22T07:54:54.175Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:56.509Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Build deployment structure'" 2023-08-22T07:54:56.509Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Generating data broker files...' 2023-08-22T07:54:56.509Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:56.571Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting ml models to ml deployment directory...' 2023-08-22T07:54:56.572Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:56.580Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Compiling theme files...' 2023-08-22T07:54:56.580Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:57.426Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting a theme...' 2023-08-22T07:54:57.426Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:57.554Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Generating font files for icons' 2023-08-22T07:54:57.554Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:57.554Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting pages...' 2023-08-22T07:54:57.555Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:59.369Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting metadata...' 2023-08-22T07:54:59.369Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:59.372Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting microflows model...' 2023-08-22T07:54:59.372Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:54:59.589Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting custom widgets...' 2023-08-22T07:54:59.589Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:10.473Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Compiling JavaScript actions...' 2023-08-22T07:55:10.474Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:27.488Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting pluggable native widgets...' 2023-08-22T07:55:27.488Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:32.913Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Exporting native pages' 2023-08-22T07:55:32.914Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:33.702Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Save model to deployment directory'" 2023-08-22T07:55:33.702Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:33.702Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Saving model to deployment directory...' 2023-08-22T07:55:33.702Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:34.643Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Finalize deployment structure'" 2023-08-22T07:55:34.643Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:34.645Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Post-processing generation results...' 2023-08-22T07:55:34.645Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:34.662Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Bundle application'" 2023-08-22T07:55:34.662Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:34.665Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Compiling Java...' 2023-08-22T07:55:34.665Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:55:50.405Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Bundling native app for iOS' 2023-08-22T07:55:50.405Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:58:00.309Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Publishing iOS OTA bundle' 2023-08-22T07:58:00.309Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:58:00.620Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Bundling native app for Android' 2023-08-22T07:58:00.620Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:59:04.880Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Publishing Android OTA bundle' 2023-08-22T07:59:04.880Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:59:05.593Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] "Executing step 'Clean up'" 2023-08-22T07:59:05.593Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:59:05.593Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] ' * Cleaning up...' 2023-08-22T07:59:05.593Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.158Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] 'BUILD SUCCEEDED' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.158Z: (info) [mxbuild][stdout] '' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.235Z: (info) [template] 'Staging image resources..' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.262Z: (info) [template] 'Staging font resources..' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.265Z: (info) [template] 'Staging firebase resources..' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.300Z: (info) [template] 'Committing template resources..' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.321Z: (info) [template] 'Committing template configuration..' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.350Z: (info) [p12util] 'TeamId: U68ZZBLDMF' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.431Z: (info) [p12util] 'CN: iPhone Distribution: Rawcubes UK Limited (U68ZZBLDMF)' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.433Z: (info) [p12util] 'ProvisionName: AdHocDevProfile' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.894Z: (info) [xcode] 'Skipping project configuration update as NativeTemplate/GoogleService-Info.plist has already been included' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.913Z: (info) [xcode] 'Skipping project configuration update as NativeTemplate/native_dependencies.json has already been included' 2023-08-22T07:59:06.936Z: (info) [github] 'Retrieving contents of file .template_version from ref heads/master...' 2023-08-22T07:59:46.012Z: (info) [github] 'Creating commit to qdataops/master with message: Commit local changes...' 2023-08-22T07:59:46.455Z: (info) [github] 'Latest commit: [NBUI] Commit local changes:9171bf38ef9397ca9be82f5ebf822019fe8dff7c...' 2023-08-22T07:59:46.455Z: (info) [github] 'Creating tree with base_tree d493df3d40546542ebcb80b344574baf71bfa3c5...' 2023-08-22T08:20:24.925Z: (info) [Analytics] '/advanced/build: project_release_build_failed' 2023-08-22T08:20:24.928Z: (info) [Analytics] '/advanced/build: project_release_build_failed' 2023-08-22T08:20:24.963Z: (info) [mxbuild] 'Aborting mxbuild...' 2023-08-22T08:20:24.977Z: (info) [mxbuild] 'Mxbuild process was aborted'
1 answers

Hello Richen


From my experience, I would recommend you to generate APKs locally in your machine.

The AppCenter free tier is not robust enough to generate APKs/AABs or IPAs from Mendix projects. I would only use AppCenter in the case of a payed account (with more resources in terms of CPU and available build time) and to generate signed IPAs for IOS.


If you have Windows and  your target app is Android, you can generate your APK/AAB localy faster than generate on the cloud with AppCenter. See the procedure below:


If you have a Mac, it is also possible generate IPA locally, with little extra effort to copy the native project to your Mac beforehand.


But my prefered way to generate APKs/AABs is via command line, where I have (almost) full control of the steps.

