How to download/view documents on an Hybrid app

Wat is the best way of downloading/viewing documents (in my case PDF) in an Hybrid app? The widgets in the marketplace don't work properly (File Document Viewer, Universal File Viewer, TS PDF Document Viewer). Previsiously the MX  ‘download file’  actions worked properly but after I builded a new Hybrid Android app the this action doesn't work properly anymore. When I download a document (PDF) there are no MX errors. In the logging of my Android device I see that the file is being downloaded to my apps file directory (file:///storage/emulated/0/Android/data/…….) But after that nothing happens and no logging is shown. I don't know if the cause is somewhere in my build process or that 'download file’  action no longer possible is at all.   I am building with the steps and prerequisites of the MX docs in combination with Android Studio: ​​​​  - NodeJS 12 with NPM 6 - JDK 1.8 - Gradle 7.5.1 - Android build-tools 32.0.0   Logging of my current build:     Logging of Mendix Mobile app what I expect to happen:
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