Image synchronization from native app

hi there, while capturing image in take picture activity i want to synchronize it to the server  , but after commiting the  object when i am using synchronization activity ,synchronization gets failed and i am getting this error . Failed to synchronize object '63613344736712378': com.mendix.systemwideinterfaces.MendixRuntimeException: com.mendix.core.CoreRuntimeException: Exception occurred in action '{"changes":"HashMap(Name -> rn_image_picker_lib_temp_25020ee0-e9ad-47f1-91d0-5b85c316d8e0.jpg, InspectionModule.DefectImage_InspectionDCLEntity -> null, Attribute -> cm5faW1hZ2VfcGlja2VyX2xpYl90ZW1wXzI1MDIwZWUwLW...","type":"ChangeAction"}', all database changes executed by this action were rolled back. To prevent data loss, the changes have been stored under 'System.SynchronizationError' with id .   please help if anyone know ,how to reszolve it . thanks and regards  dheeraj 
1 answers

Seems an issue with entity access. Is the app user allowed to create objects and set all members? You can restrict the access rule to the owner so the user can only create and see their own objects
