How to improve native app peformance

We’ve run into some issues with our native app performance, particularly with the time it takes to run a nanoflow and some sub-microflows within a nanoflow.  So far, I’ve inserted some logs in the microflows/nanoflows used to get an idea of how long certain activities take to process, this will help me to know where to focus my optimization efforts in speeding up some of the processes. I am focusing on (1) Only synchronizing necessary data to the device needed to complete a process (2) removing any unnecessary logic needed during this process and (3) Refactoring and optimizing any logic (through data retrievals, adding indexes, looking at commits, etc). I’m also looking at the Performance bot in Mendix to see if it contains any recommendations. I am just checking here to see if anyone else has some suggestions on what to focus on when it comes to improving native app speed performance, thanks so much.  The Mendix version we are using in 9.24.8
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