Error: Make it Native 9 QR Code - The QR Code is invalid. Please verify you scanned a Mendix Native...

Hey guys,   I am working with Mendix 9.24.11, and I created a small Mendix Native App. It is running, but I cannot run it on my Android Smartphone (Samsung Galaxy S20+).    I am trying to start it with the Make it Native 9 App, which I downloaded from Google Play Store.   I am in Home Office. I tried it with the Companies VPN network on, then turned it off, then tried it with my mobile hotspot, and i still get the same following error message:   "The QR Code is invalid. Please verify you scanned a Mendix Native..."     What is going on? Can someone please give me some guidance?   Thanks!
3 answers

Hello Shahbaz,


Is your error as shown below?



If is the case, you shoud change to the second tab View Native Mobiel App and scan the QR Code from there.


It is weird you cannot see the QR code from this tab...


Some suggestions:

* Instead of scanning the QR Code, try to type the Runtime URL directly on Make It Native 9 and then click on Launch App. The Runtime URL should be like http://<your local IP>:8080. You can get the local IP from the first tab.

* Start a new Native App using the Blank Native Mobile App Template and, without any changes in the code, try to run the application with your Make It Native 9



@Vinicius Strugata Ambrosio


Yes! this is exactly my error. Unfortunately, i dont see a QR Code there, eventhough the app is running?


