Synchronization failed and rollback the entity

I use beneficiary as a specialization of User. The user has access to read/write everything on Beneficiary, but when I synchronize I get the following error when inspecting the trace logs in the console.   Failed to synchronize object '26458647811006619': Applying change for 'WebServiceUser' of object with id '26458647811006619' (Beneficiaries.Beneficiary) failed for security reasons. No write access for changed member. To prevent data loss, the changes have been stored under 'System.SynchronizationError' with id '3940649674026317'.   I did remove any xpath constraints for security and still got the fail due to security reasons. Does anyone know what else I can try? I am using mendix version 10.4.1
2 answers



Did you try configuring the access rule to write to WebServiceUser entity in the domain model

As the error indicates that it is trying to write to an object to which it does not have a write access to.

Hope this helps!




Did you find the solution of that problem?

I'm facing the same issue...

