Mobile Native builder fail

My native mobile builder fails in mendix studio pro v.10.5.0 for a local build with the following error:   Getting dependencies from mx utils failed   Does anyone know who to fix this?
2 answers

Today, I had the same issue, since I installed the Mx.Reflection module.,

ChatGPT have fixed this issue for me :).. 


The error in the provided microflow is likely due to the incorrect usage of the 'ceil' function.

The 'ceil' function requires a numeric value as an argument, but in this case, it is applied to a conditional expression that may result in a string.


To fix this, you should ensure that the 'ceil' function is applied to a numeric value.


Here's an adjusted version:

$Size + 2 + (ceil(if $Member/FieldLength != empty then $Member/FieldLength * 0.8 else 200) * 2)

In the adjusted version, I changed .8 to 0.8 to make sure it's recognized as a numeric value, and I removed the unnecessary parentheses around the entire expression after 'ceil'.


Hello Thomas,


I'm also getting this problem. I have tried to run via command line, and got the messages below:

   __  __      ____        _ _     _
  |  \/  |    |  _ \      (_) |   | |
  | \  / |_  _| |_) |_   _ _| | __| |
  | |\/| \ \/ /  _ <| | | | | |/ _` |
  | |  | |>  <| |_) | |_| | | | (_| |
  |_|  |_/_/\_\____/ \__,_|_|_|\__,_|


Starting build for Mendix Project file: D:\apps\projetos\RMS_TC-main\RMS_TC.mpr
Using the following options:
 * Build target: Deploy
Reading project file...
ERROR: Error while reading project file: One or more invalid values were detected while loading the project: Mendix.Modeler.Projects.Project:
 - Change variable action in microflow 'MxModelReflection.IVK_RecalculateSize' has an invalid value '$Size + 2+(
ceil(if $Member/FieldLength != empty
then $Member/FieldLength *.8
else 200) *2)' for property Value. Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.ThrowOverflowOrFormatException(ParsingStatus status, TypeCode type)
   at System.Double.Parse(String s)

resulting in the generic error on NBUI


Looking for the error message, seems that, in my case, the error is here:



Anyone spot the error?
