Did you create a new native app build? Mendix 9.24 brings in many native dependency updates and the upgrade requires a new native build. OTA does not work in this case.
Share details about the build step that failed, that would help in getting this right.
Check the documentation for prerequisites:
Building using AppCenter or locally on your machine also have their own specifics.
Hi Vidula Kotnala,
Marcel Groeneweg provided a helpful insight that upgrading to Mendix 9.24 requires a new native app build due to significant native dependency updates. This is crucial for ensuring compatibility with the updated version of the module.
To resolve this issue, I recommend creating a new native app build as part of the upgrade process. This will ensure that the necessary dependencies are updated and the file upload functionality works correctly.
For further guidance and details on creating a native app build, you can refer to the documentation provided for the Native File Documents module on the Mendix Marketplace: Native File Documents Widget Documentation.
If you encounter any difficulties or need assistance with creating the native app build, please feel free to reach out. I'm here to help!