iOS Build Failing

Hi Everyone, We are facing an issue with creation of iOS build with 9.18.4. Error snapshot from log file below:   2024-02-05T09:19:30.7268620Z fatal error: /Applications/ can't open input file: /Users/runner/work/1/s/ios/MendixNative/libMendix.a (No such file or directory)
1 answers

We have resolved this issue with support from Mendix Team. Please see response from support team below:


  • This is a known issue where Appcenter builds may use an older Xcode version than the one specified, even after setting it in the configuration. This issue was identified with versions 9.18.7 and earlier. Your build logs suggest the same issue, where Xcode 13.2.X is used instead of the configured 14. 
    2024-02-05T09:19:30.7268620Z fatal error: /Applications/ can't open input file: /Users/runner/work/1/s/ios/MendixNative/libMendix.a (No such file or directory)
     As a workaround, you can try the following steps - building directly in Appcenter, explicitly setting the Xcode version to 14.2.  In case this does not work, we would recommend to upgrade to 9.24 LTS: This issue was not reproducible in 9.24 LTS. Our previous customer successfully resolved the issue by upgrading. However, the fix is not available in older versions. Please let me know if it works for you!
    • From appCenter → ios project → build → setting icon under config
    • From Build Configuration sidebar the xcode version can be set to 14.x
    • This should result in a successful build for now.

