How can we create Update Button which will go to playstore/appstore update app page

If the currently installed version of the Mendix native app is less then the available app version in the play store/app store, we want to show a pop-up for the update available and on click of update we want the user to redirect to play store/app store update page. How  can we implement this?
2 answers

The native mobile resources module has a JS action called "GetDeviceInfo". This will give you the buildnumber of the installed app. Now all you need to do is cross-reference it with the latest build version (either by storing it in your database, of figure out your own method) and display a link to the appstore when versions don't match.


you can add button to call nanoflow and on this nanoflow you need to pass the app URL to this activity like this, if you need any help reply here 

