How to send attachment through mail in native application?

Hi all, How to send attachments through mail in a native application? or how to use an email connector in a native application?
3 answers

Hi Rutuja,


You would need to create a microflow (runs on the server) from where you create the actual emailmessage and attach the filedocuments as attachment, like you would on a web application. This microflow should be called from a nanoflow on your device.


Input parameters for this microflow would be a non-persistent emailmessage which is composed on your device. Your filedocuments are not allowed as inputparameter and should be retrieved in the microflow for usage. So usually you would sync your filedocuments to the server in the nanoflow first (if not already available on the server), before you call the microflow where you can retrieve them. You could this this based on a GUID which is stored in the non-persistent emailmessage and filedocuments. 


Hopefully you have some pointers to get it set up!




If you want to send the email directly from the device: Use my NativeFileDocuments module, it contains the shareOpen action which allows you to share data and files outside your app. It is up to the app user to decide what to do with it. 


It does not work in the Make It Native app! You need to build your app. Use a custom developer app to run locally.


The demo app has an example for this.


Hi Rutuja 

kindly visit the given link  ->
