Unable to register device when implementing PushNotifications on android

Hi Members,  I am implementing PushNotifications with FCM in android, I have followed all the steps in the documentation and have correctly configured Firebase settings as well. I have seen that the error is thrown when creating DeviceRegistration Object which has a Before Commit Event 'BCo_DeviceRegistration' I think this is the point where the error is thrown, from another forum I found out that isHybrid needs to be set false, I have also done that. I have been trying this for over 2 days now, any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks. I have set error handling to show an alert on device, this message shows all the arguments available like DeviceID, PushToken and DeviceType, these are the arguements that are used in CreateRegistrationObject activity.   I am attaching my error logs as well. Thanks   Log Error:  [Client] An error occurred while executing nanoflow data source for widget PushNotifications.NativeHomepage_Snippet.dataView1: Did not expect an argument to be undefined Nanoflow stack: "Create object $NewNotification"  
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