How to store the data to entity from TC search results.

Hi Guys,   I have successfully connected to Teamcenter and retrieved items using the "perform item simple search" function. Now, I would like to store this response in an entity and display it in a native mobile app     Regards, Venkat
1 answers

Did you check out the TC Connector Sample app? There you can see an example on how the data is displayed. The ExecuteItemSimpleSearch microflow has a ShowPage activity at the end. Although this for a responsive app, you will probably figure out how to use it for your native solution.



Be aware that the information is collected in non-persistable entities. In other words, the data is not stored in the database, but only available during your session. If you want to store it in your Mendix application/database, you will need to create logic to iterate over the result list and create objects in persistable entities.
