Cant able to launch the make it native 10

Hello, I'm currently developing a native mobile application using Mendix and Make It Native 10 for testing on my Android device. However, since this morning, I've encountered an error while launching Make It Native 10. Here are the details: Version used: Make It Native 10. Studio Pro 10.6.10 Previously, this was identified as a Long Term Support (LTS) version during the start of development. Now, I've noticed that it's no longer listed as an LTS version, but I'm unsure if this is the root cause of the issue. Error snap Could someone please help me determine the correct steps to resolve this error and continue my development process with studio pro 10.6.10 & Make It Native 10.
1 answers

I'm going through the same problem. Opening a ticket in support they replied:


"Make it native 9 only works on versions 9.24.0 to 10.5.x as stated in the docsUnfortunately the version of Studio Pro you are on (10.6.x) does not support Make it Native, you'll have to update the application to Studio Pro 10.12 or above."


So the only solution is to use a newer version. :/


