How deal with the error specifing that a paremeter does not existsw?

Hi everyone. I am a beginner using Mendix. I'm testing SSO situations here and I face with a problem with the Mobile SSO Module from Mendix marketplace. Basically, after I set up everything needed by OIDC SSO, I made the instalattion of Mobile SSO Module and start to set up.   So then I check in my console errors that I got some issues in a microflow. The error message is "The selecected parameter 'OIDC.BCO_Account_ProcessRolesToken.TokenUserRoleList' no longer exists" - that's one of the three error messages.   I understand that this parameter BCO_Account_ProcessRolesToken should be a entity which was created on Domain Module from OIDC SSO Module. But I checked on that and did not found nothing which was a reference to.   Here is a image to you understand what I'm saying.     Can someone help me to fix this?   I repeat, I'm beginner on Mendix, sorry for the trouble. =)
1 answers

Hi Tiago Cardoso , 

Mobile SSO versions 1.0.0 , 1.0.1 and 2.0.0 are not compatible with OIDC SSO version 3.0.0 and above

To fix the above error you can downgrade the OIDC SSO to below 3.0.0 version

