Failed to handle invalid ML Mapping: ML Mapping does not exist on TestFlight

I am using model using ML Kit. I imported onnx file configured it and handled, it is working fine locally. It's was stored into mlsource/aichatbot/all-miniLm-l12-v2_quantized_2.onnx. When I run application. I can see it being also stored at deployment/ml/aichatbot/all-miniLm-l12-v2_quantized_2.onnx. It runs well.   However, after deployment to TestFlight I am getting an error: Caused by: com.mendix.modules.microflowengine.MicroflowException: Failed to handle invalid ML Mapping: ML model aichatbot\all-miniLm-l12-v2_quantized_2.onnx does not exist.   Is there anything specific in deployment script that needs to be specified to work correctly or am I missing something else?   Edit: When I downloaded deployed .mda file and extracted it - I can find the .onnx file in ml/{module_name}/model.onnx. But it looks like in deployed app the Call ML Model is not looking in "ml/{module_name}/model.onnx" folder but directly in "{module_name}/model.onnx".  
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