Deeplink to screens on mobile app?

What I'm trying to achieve: let users navigate to the relevant screen within a mobile app by clicking a link they received via email. Scenario: say I have a mobile app that lets users purchase products. When the user places an order, I send them with an order sumary email which has links to each of the products that the user purchased. If the user checks the email on his mobile phone (which is what most of my users do), then I want the link from the email to take them to the screen showing the relevant product screen on the mobile app (i.e a real mobile app deeplink)
2 answers

Hi Sid, check out the answer to this question:

You need to add a plugin to your hybrid app, and make use of deeplinks to open the url.


Hi sid

Did above answer help you in resolving your requirements or not.

As we also implement the same thing but its not working in our environment. Can you please guide us for same thing.


